Friday, July 30, 2010

My Favorite Superset & Cool News

This news brings a tear to my eye, for so many reasons. It's a very inspirational story in a lot of ways and even talks about our beloved social support too.

=> Is Jason Ferruggia really doing this? Seriously? 100% for real?

My workout included my favorite superset...I love pairing the military press with a back exercise such as chinups and deadlifts...that one superset could be a complete workout right there...powerful stuff. I added a little more for this full session:

1A) Military Press
1B) Chins

2A) DB Press
2B) DB Row

3A) Ring Biceps Curls
3B) Ring Rear Delts

After, I hit a blender drink:

Chocolate almond milk, strawberries, 1 banana, cinnamon, and 1 scoop of Garden of Life Raw Sprout Protein blend. Seriously. I'm trying it out.

Now for today's resource.

The funny thing about this next link is that just as many women as men will use this info. You just can't keep the girls out of the "guy workouts"...and there's no need to...after all, just look how hot Jay's fiance Jen is...and she squats 145 pounds and can do 10 chinups.

So for men AND women, here's a free workout & sample meal plan for folks looking to build muscle and burn fat at the same time:

=> Workout & meal plan for men

And finally, today's kick-butt mindset tip from me:

"You wouldn't put an alcoholic in a bar if you wanted him to stop make sure you are putting yourself in the right training environment for your goals...and that you are hanging around other achievers - no matter what aspect of your life - from fitness to financial to family. Avoid negative situations and negative people as much as possible."

Stay outta trouby,



  1. Brian Maffucci5:44 PM

    Hey Craig,

    I was wondering what kind of blender you have for all your blender drink needs? I am looking to get a new one and could use some suggestions. Thanks for all of your support and help.


  2. Hey Brian, I just use a regular $70 blender. I don't even know what kind it is. I hear vitamix is really good though.

  3. Since you guys are on the subject I always wondered what is the general guideline for shakes in terms of volume? 500 ml, 1l or something else in between?

  4. How's that protein working out?
