Friday, May 28, 2010

Important fitness & nutrition books

I just posted an article over on the Turbulence Training Fanpage sharing the 5 most influential books in my life. One was fitness related and the other was nutrition related.

#5 - "Ultimate Back Fitness & Performance" by Dr. Stuart McGill

First, let me say that as far as training info goes, nothing has influenced me more than my University Exercise Physiology notes, but since those aren't from a "real book", I'll choose this as THE most influential book on exercise in my life.

Dr. McGill is a leading researcher on low back exercise (he consults with Georges St. Pierre and other MMA fighters these days) and he showed the world why we need to STOP doing crunches and sit-ups.

I even had the chance to have lunch with Dr. McGill one day, and he taught me a lot about training "the core" properly - and that's why you see the torso training exercises in Turbulence Training workouts that you do.

In my opinion, this is mandatory reading for any trainer who takes their job seriously.

#4 - "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan

This is the simplest, most common-sense nutrition book ever written. In fact, Pollan has managed to simplify a topic that every other "guru" tries to make more complex than rocket science. And you can read this book in about 90 minutes, plus you'll find it easy to remember the simple nutrition rules.

And if you can't read this, just remember Pollan's simple 7-word diet: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." You can't go wrong with that.


If you want to discover the 3 other books that made my top five, please visit:

=> 5 Books that changed my life

Looking forward to your book recommendations,



  1. Id say if you are wanting to get fit, definately follow MMA style training - those guys are seriously fit!! Good advice Craig!

  2. My three are = 'The China Study' Dr. T Campbell, 'What to Eat' Marion Nestle, 'Starting Strength' Mark Rippetoe

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just bought "10 day to Faster Reading" from Amazon.
    Thanks for the recommendation, Craig! Looking forward to upping my reading speed so I can take in more books too.

    Keep up the great posts, you are a wonderful motivator for us all!


  5. Anonymous2:27 AM

    What kind of Tomato sauce do you use Craig? As i can't find any with no sugar added and all of them seem to have a ton of sodium. thanks for any help

  6. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Siddhartha by Herman Hesse should be read by everyone! Such a great book!
