Saturday, May 29, 2010

Armenia vs Canada Fitness Battle in San Diego

This weekend I'm down in San Diego at a seminar and hanging out with my Armenian buddy, Bedros Keuilian (plus Vince Del Monte, Joel Marion, AJ Roberts, Alex Maroko, and many others).

On Friday when I arrived Bedros and I hit the hotel gym for an old-school meathead shoulders and arms workout. I did exercises I haven't done in years, including front dumbbell raises and heavy triceps rope extensions, plus some standards like standing db shoulder presses, curls, and db extensions. Good times.
After, we had sushi with a group of people at Iito. It was good, but everyone was hungry an hour later.

I crashed early, partly because I want to stay on East Coast time while I'm here. Also, Bedros is training for a marathon (he's running the San Diego marathon next week with his wife), and so we decided to do a 7 mile run at 6am today.

That's the longest I've run in over 10 years...probably even 13 years since I've ran more than 5 miles at once.

I feel bad for Bedros...he is NOT built for running (while I am). Anyways, it was kind of fun...who knows, maybe I'll put a marathon on my life "to do" list.

Good times, and then we hit a breakfast place where I ordered chocolate chip pancakes and a GIANT fruit bowl. See photo above.

I finished about 1/2 of it.

Time for a bit of work and then I'm going to hit the pool later on and relax until Monday.

Have a great day,



  1. Oh, that looks amazing! Seasonal fruits are the best!

  2. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Yo Craig!

    I have been reading your blog for a number of years now.... maybe I was mistaken, but I thought you HATED steady state cardio? Your up for a marathon now! Huh? :)

    Joe Mama

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Craig - Say it ain't so!!! A marathon!? You said that stuff was CRAZY...anyway, have a great trip.

  4. I ran with a guy who is training for a marathon. I'm not training for a marathon.

  5. Was that picture taken at "The Broken Yolk"?

  6. I thought I recognized it. I had breakfast there when I was in SD earlier this month. Small world!
