Monday, April 19, 2010

TT Addiction Workout is here - Get Addicted!

The long awaited Turbulence Training Addiction program is here…and YES, it is an ADVANCED program.
(These workouts are super tough and if you are feeling pain, dizziness, or discomfort at any time, please stop the workout and see your doctor.)

“What’s with the name?” you might be asking?
Well, it all started with the 300 workout. Now remember, I didn’t invent that workout, but I filmed exercise demonstrations for the folks at Men’s Health, and since 2007 over 1.5 million people have watched that video on their site and on Youtube.

And more importantly, I’ve received hundreds of emails from people asking how often they could do the workout each week. You see, they were addicted to the challenge. Fortunately I was smart enough to recognize this “healthy addiction” and I started creating challenge workouts of my own.

As a result, I believe I’ve found one factor in fighting the obesity epidemic…turning regular exercise programs into “workout golf” (I call it workout golf because the programs become as addictive to users as golf does to a golf fanatic).
So hold on tight, you’re about to learn more about the most addictive workouts in the fitness world…all while helping you lose fat and sculpting the body of your dreams.

Looking forward to your success!

Your friend and coach,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS,
Author, Turbulence Training Addiction

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