Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Back to school, back to school

Bally the Dog and I are off to go back to school today...

...that's right, we'll be teaching Health & Nutrtition to the Grade 12 Class at North Park High School in Brampton.

And seriously, they are letting me bring my dog.

It's going to be outrageous...but my hope is that the dog settles down after about 5 minutes of jumping up on all the kids.


And then I'm going to give a nutrition presentation and answer all of their questions...should be a good time. After that, I'll be hitting Freshii for lunch...

Freshii is a chain of super-healthy restaurants that serve fresh ingredients...if there is one in your area, make sure you check it out.

Now here's today's kick-butt mindset tip.

2010 = 30% complete today.

Time to review your goals, be honest with your progress, adjust, and replot your course. If you want things to change, you have to take action and change them. There's no better day to start than today

And today's resource:

Another CB magazine workout that made it onto MSN.com (from April 2010 Mens Health)

=> 4 upper body exercises that work your abs

Off to school,



  1. I only WISH someone like you had come into my senior high school health class. It takes a lot for kids that age to be inspired to care about their health and fitness but if anyone can do it, you can! Good luck Craig and Bally!

  2. Thanks! It was fun...I learned as much as they did...
