Monday, March 08, 2010

Its easy when you accept that it's hard

Last week was Murphy's was a bit of a disaster around the office. This week is much better...but still one major problem to solve. The spring
weather sure helps you look at things optimistically though...

Today I'm going to share two of my favorite mindset tips on fat loss...they are challenging, but hopefully the weather is nice where you are and you'll look at them the right way.

But first, my Meathead Workout

1) Hang Clean (3x3)
2A) Med Bench (3x3, 1x8]
2B) DB Row (3x15)
3A) DB Inc (2x8-12)
3B) DB Triceps (3x8]
3C) BB Curls 3-0-2 (3x10)

Crazy chest and shoulder pump. Could barely get all the reps...but I did better this week than last time in the bench and with rows.

Today's Blender Drink had a couple of fresh additions - coconut milk & kale

Unfortunately, the coconut milk "drowned" out the taste of the raspberries.

1 frozen banana, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, kale (just a little), walnuts, cashew butter (just a little), almond milk, and coconut milk (4 tablespoons). I'll try again tomorrow. 

Today's Resource #1

Kardena Pauza shows you how to make grainless granola here:

=> Granola Recipe & Video

Today's Resource #2

A simple nutrition interview with Brad Pilon...

Click here for Brad's audio interview

And now for my two favorite mindset tips for fat loss...

#1 - Accept the consequences...

Can you eat pizza on a fat loss program? Sure. Can you drink? Sure. Can you lie on the couch instead of working out? Sure. Your choice, your consequences. Remember this..."Bear in mind the single universal law of causality... there will be consequences from your actions, and you must be prepared to accept them." - Simon Black

#2 - Fat loss is simple...

Fat loss is simple when you accept how difficult it is. But when you accept that you will have to make long-term lifestyle changes, eat smaller portions, avoid junk food 90% of the time, exercise consistently and intensely, and hang around the right people, then you see it is a very simple thing to just have to accept that you have to do those things - without exception - to succeed.

Let me know how that helps,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS 


  1. Great words Craig.

    The two mindset tips sum it all up!


  2. Hey Craig,

    I follow you and Brad, and Jason Ferruggia as well. I appreciate all of your perspectives and am often confused by the differences. Jason says to scarf down food while Brad says food choice hardly matters (quantity matters - eat less). Even in this post, you have an interview with Brad on nutrition (he often says that fasting once or twice per week eliminates the need to nit pick between food choices) and you are saying that exceptions to nutrition rules are a major downfall of most dieters. I don't mean to be rude - this is an honest curiosity. You all link to each other's web sites but say very different things. It kind of perpetuates the confusion you all seem to be out to solve.

    Any advice or clarification?

  3. To Michael
    Craig and Jason have different approaches, philosophies and fields of expertise: Craig has fat loss programs essentially while Jason's workouts are geared toward mass building.
    Ultimately it will come down to nutrition to successfully attain either of these goals. That's where brad comes in the picture for those who follow his stuff too. On Brad's can use his diet approach to both training philosophies mass build or fat loss.

  4. Interesting, Andy. I would love to hear more about using Brad for mass building. I wish he'd write a little bit on that.

    But I understand the first part definitely, thanks.

  5. I have tried another way to lose
    weight. I tried adipex and it is
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    recommend this, and this didn't
    require a prescription! ST
