Monday, January 04, 2010

Upper Body Workout & Blender Drinks

It was even busier in the gym today than I expected, plenty of meatheads - including myself.

Today's workout was...

1) Hang Cleans - 3x3

2A) Bench Press - 2x6
2B) T-Bar Row - 4x10

3A) DB Incline - 2x8, 1x12
3B) DB Chest Supported Row on Incline Bench- 3x8

4) Dips - 2x15

After the workout I had a chocolate milk on the walk home.

Then I got Amazon'd into buying 3 books. They have a great upsell process - good luck trying to buy just one book.

I ended up getting "Mr. America" for a friend, and bought "Acres of Diamonds" and "The Richest Man in Babylon" for
myself. I also started reading another classic, "Walden", the other night.

I'm going for 100 books read this year.

And you? How are your 2K10 workouts? And what are you reading?

I've also had a lot of requests for me to start publishing my blender drinks again, so today was:

Raspberries, blueberries, spinach, vega powder, cashew butter, walnuts, almond milk, and cacao nibs. For breakfast, I poured 1/2 of it over ezekial cereal, raisins, and almonds.

Now I'm having the other half along with an almond butter sandwich as a mid-afternoon snack.

Alright, and we'll finish off with today's Kekich Credo, perfect for this time of year. It will really make you think...

Kekich Credo #59. The foundation of achievement is intense desire. The world's highest achievers have the highest levels of dissatisfaction. Those with the lowest levels are the failures. The best way to build desire is to make resolute choices for the future.

Here's what that means for Fat Loss

• If you are overweight, than essentially your desire for food and inactivity is greater than your desire for a better body. It is that simple.
• You may not yet have developed an intense desire to be lean. It just doesn't bother you enough to make any changes.
• If and when it does, then you will change. Until then, you are not dissatisfied enough with your current situation.
• What will it take to finally make the changes you need to succeed?
• What fears are stopping you?
• When you are ready to change, you need to avoid your comfort zone at all costs.

Stay strong and continue to make progress every day,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - One more resource...

...Kardena Pauza gave some training tips on her blog today:

=> How to get flat abs

A couple of good tidbits there.


  1. You know what else doesn't help? People blogging about books they bought on Amazon. Thanks to you, I just added two books to my wishlist.

  2. Just got through The Vegetarian Myth. Highly recommend that especially since you've been trying the Veg lifestyle. Convinced me to quit being Vegan, granted I was only 6 months in but it cleared up quite a few questions I had. or get it off Amazon.

    Currently I'm going through 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back It's doing wonders for my posture but also hard to retrain so many years of bad posture.
