Monday, January 04, 2010

TT Success Story of the Month

I thought this TT Success Story of the Month was pretty funny...find out how Fiona gets free training thanks to TT (plus, she gets a 1-year platinum TT Membership for her story).

Fiona Sheds the Cardio-Carb Fat With Turbulence Training Workouts

"U certainly bring out the big guns for workouts. I would like to say a big thanks.  

I just ran my first marathon 8 weeks ago and had to reduce weights and eat more carbs, in fact i went carb crazy.  I weighed in after the marathon and my BF was 25%.  

I have followed two of your programs for the last 8 weeks, plus added riding, running and kayaking and weighed in this morning and am now at BF 17%.  

I have even converted my Personal Trainer, she is now coming in and doing these programs with me and I havent had to pay for personal training for 8 weeks. Keep up the good work."
Fiona Ransom

That's classic!

And remember, every month we award a 1-year Platinum TT Membership to the best TT Success Story.

Please send yours in today.

Click here to submit your TT Success Story

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