Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Workout Program

Started a new 4-week program today. Over the last 6 months I've had some back issues (from a weird accident) that have made me weaker...

...but recently I've made some amazing improvements with help from my chiropractor, Dr. Michael Sommers - top Toronto Chiropractor - and its time to start getting my strength back again.

Fortunately, it's only affected my squat (mostly) and deadlift (a little), and I've been able to return to my best vertical jump performance ever.

Today's Workout

1) Double Jumps -3x3 (jump, land, jump again - then rest and repeat 2 more times)

2) Squats

3) Good Morning

4) Stability Ball Jackknife Plank

Blender drink of the day:
1 banana, raspberries, blueberries, spinach, almond milk, peanut butter, cacao nibs, Sun Warrior protein powder, walnuts, sesame seeds.

Tip of the day:

Giving others social support will create a better environment for you to lose weight. However, you can't force weight loss on anyone, but teaching others about fat loss helps you understand it better…so you'll do better.

Now a dog walk, then the mall, then football.

Go Saints.

Go Colts.

See you in Miami in 2 weeks,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - I added a little abs exercises triset to the TT Facebook Fanpage

Click here for 3 ab exercises  


  1. Go Colts is right!

  2. Yes, go Colts...and they did! Suweet!

  3. Having someone to motivate and support you is important.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Having a partner makes you accountable. I read a great article (in Oprah of all places) about assembling a team of people who have different skill sets.. for instance I am detail-orientated, so I'd want to pair w/ someone who can't be bothered w/ details and just wants to GO. it was geeky and called your group a fellowship (à la Lord of the Rings) but I couldn't help but be intrigued by the concept.

    I also think I am due for some squats or deadlifts as soon as the weather gets warm enough to start lifting in my outdoor weight room again.

    @Craig- I am glad to see you rec chiropractic services... I have been waking up w/ the strangest neck pains that are messing w/ my strength/training too.
