Friday, January 22, 2010

My 3 reason I avoid caffeine

I personally don't like caffeine, and there are 3 reasons why.

1 - Jitters, anxiety, insomnia, etc.
2 - Dependency and withdrawal side effects
3 - I don't need it. I have plenty of energy thanks to diet & exercise.
By the way, I'm not an expert on whether caffeine is healthy, but I think we can use common sense on that. If you drink 1-2 cups of quality coffee per day, that's fine...but 6-8 cups or 5 Red Bulls...well, then you might have some issues.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences about caffeine on the blog...
Plus, I've posted more info about them on the blog along with research on the effects of caffeine on exercise.

You'll also discover...
- The updated TT for Abs Advanced Workout: Phase 2
- How to drink more water
- The #1 thing you need to know about training
- The one exercise you MUST be able to do for 2 minutes
Let me know if you have any tips on drinking more water or cutting back on caffeine here:
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Next week... thing women MUST do for weight loss.
And the most advanced TT Bodyweight workout ever.
Until then, stay strong!


  1. Its great if you avoid caffeine, but if you can’t, you should use is moderately. Excessive caffeine is definitely not good for us.

  2. This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. this is very nice one and gives in-depth information. thanks for this nice article
