Thursday, December 24, 2009

Your Results, My Workout

If you're not getting results, do this: Write down what you eat. Do that for every thing that goes in your mouth for 7 days. Log it on Get the truth about your food intake, calorie intake, protein intake, etc. Don't tell me it's too hard. It's probably the easiest thing you can do to lose fat. Get to know the truth about your body and how it reacts to diet, exercise, and stress.

My upper body workout:

Extra stretching

1A) Military Press
1B) Mixed Grip Pullups

2A) Pushups
2B) Shrugs

3A) DB Triceps Extension
3B) DB Rear Delt Raises

That was it.

Merry Christmas,


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Hey Craig - New "experiment" for you, sort of like your vegetarian experiment from this last summer, which obviously you've incorporated into your lifestyle now.
    You should do a workout phase(4-6 weeks) where you don't touch a bench press or chest press. The only thing you do for your chest are bodyweight exercises (dips, pushups). See if you can maintain size and strength, or even gain. Would be interesting.
