Friday, December 25, 2009

Metabolism Boosting Tip & 7th TT Contest

You'll be happy to hear - after possibly eating too many calories this weekend - that I stumbled across a new research study showing 1 simple food that might help you boost your metabolism.
That's just one of the research studies, fat loss tips, and workout ideas I cover in this week's blog post - "The Best of 2009".
You'll learn...
- The details about the 7th Turbulence Training Contest (starts today!)
- How to win the fat loss game
- The one food to eat before a workout to boost your metabolism
- The most effective way to do interval training 
- The TT Bootcamp Bodyweight 200 Workout
- A surprising fact from my past about a program I created in 1999
- The names of 9 awesome TT workouts that I'm creating for 2010
- The truth about the power of a personal trainer
- The dirty dozen fruits and vegetables (and the clean fifteen)
Whew. This might be the most info we've ever crammed into a weekly blog post and podcast coaching call.
And get ready to use it to succeed in the 7th TT Transformation Contest!
Happy New Year,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - I have some huge news coming on Monday for those who want to lose the holiday pounds...
And stay tuned for a big blog post on Wednesday about what the future holds for Turbulence Training and your fat loss.

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