Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Peer Pressure & Your Fat Loss Diet

Without a doubt, one of the most difficult things about losing fat is eating in social situations. The peer-pressure (from both the ignorant and immature) is the toughest test of your commitment.


If you want to succeed, you have to lay the ground rules. There is no room for debate. You are either in or you are out.

And you might just surprise some folks when you show them that life can go on if you don't eat chicken wings with them.


Be loud and proud of what you are doing. There are more folks secretly wishing someone will take charge and be a healthy role model for them.

It might not happen overnight, but if you continue to lead by healthy example - without preaching or being condescending - you can build an entourage of social support and people who want to be
healthy like you.

This will build powerful relationships that will take your health to the next level.

To your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training


  1. Telling people of your intention to lose weight is a good idea, I think. Some would be skeptical, even luring you with sumptuous food. But I believe more of your friends will support you with your choice.

  2. Wazzup4:41 AM

    I've had trouble explaining to people why I fast every morning until noon(-ish), but once I told them it was a religious thing there wasn't much discussion left. You can't really discuss what someone believes (you could, but there's no point)

    (or I just tell them "no thanks, I'm on a diet" but where's the fun in that)

  3. Interesting post! Certainly it is not a crime to refuse offers. You should bear in mind that your decisions are not for others to question.

  4. I personally you can't get over something if you don't decide in you own mind to get over that. It will help how strongly you believe in this.
