Monday, November 23, 2009

Back to the Weights

Had fun with last week's bodyweight training, but to be honest I just missed the it was back to lifting, albeit conservatively in the first week of a new program...

Todays workout: hang cleans, squats, handstand pushups, rope rows, db presses, glute-ham raises, chinups.

And today's inspiration/motivation:

"To live an extraordinary life, you must resist an ordinary approach." - Frank McKinney, from "Make It Big". Great book...written about his real estate adventures, but still great.

Translating Frank's thoughts into fat loss application...

That means sticking to your plan, not giving in to peer pressure, and being immune to criticism. Work on these daily. This week should be an excellent test for everyone - especially my American friends.

And today's "video of the day": I filmed a couple of Bootcamp video tips for my buddy Chris McCombs last week in Orlando, and here's an 86 second video on why and how we set up the TT Bootcamps the way we do...

=> TT Bootcamp Video Tip

Stay strong and enjoy this important week,


PS - Supercharge your week by downloading your copy of the Kekich Credo's here...

=> Kekich Credos

I recommend you review one everyday.

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