Monday, October 26, 2009

No Nonsense Powerhouse Workout

On Sunday I drove from Orlando to Tampa...and went from all-nonsense Mickey Mouse to No Nonsense workouts.

Actually, last night's dinner was all nonsense too. Went to a Carrrabbas Italian restaurant and had bread, fettucini alfredo, a beer, a glass of wine, and a chocolate dessert. Then I stayed up and watched the Yankee's game while reading Gary Vaynerchuk's book, Crush It.

Then today I trained at Powerhouse Gym with Joel Marion from Joel's having a seminar in Tampa in January, so we are down here working on the details.

Today's workout went like this...

1) Power Clean

2A) Barbell Squat
2B) DB Incline Press

3A) Barbell Romanian Deadlift
3B) Plank with Elbows on the Ball

4A) Pullups
4B) TRX Pushups

Felt strong. Went well. Good times.

Now back to work on a few new TT programs,


PS - Don't miss...

The Truth About Doing Less and Losing More Fat  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:55 PM


    Although not very related to this blog post, but I was curious about how many calories you take in a day? That and you should really do a caloric intake post! I know you're a whole foods enthusiast, but you should do a nice breakdown of caloric intake!

