Sunday, August 02, 2009

Workout Every Day

Finally, a 5-day per week Turbulence Training Workout Program that allows you to workout everyday - smart and safe.

Plus, exciting announcements about TT Kettlebell workouts, TT in Europe, and the 5th and 6th TT Transformation Contests. 
You'll also discover...

- How to use a tennis ball to ease muscle pain
- Good off-day recovery workouts that rebuild your body
- A 3 exercise ab circuit you can do at home
- A new Bodyweight Challenge workout
- 1 thing you should be doing with every meal
Don't miss what's coming next week and later this month,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Not sure what the TT Transformation Contest is all about?
Just visit this website to see past winners who have completely changed their bodies in only 12 weeks...
Plus, you can win $1000 just by changing your body.
More details to come on Contest #6.

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