Thursday, August 06, 2009

Trip to the Doctor...

Followed my own advice today and went to Doctor for blood tests (everyone should do this when you hid mid-30's).

I will let you know test results when I get them. Here are my blood test results from about 4 years ago...

=> Cholesterol, Triglycerides, and Testosterone

Interestingly, Doc said a lot of people - even meat eaters - have low B12 levels due to poor absorption - so make sure your blood tests include that.

Also, my BP was 100/60, which he said was great.

No real workout today...might do some handstand pushups later on.


PS - Don't miss a free program from the "most hated man in fitness"...

...(at least that is what some folks are calling me after they try this workout)

Get it here before midnight tonight:



  1. Did you get your fasting insulin tested? How about vitamin d levels (25 hydroxy I believe).

    I'd be curious what the fasting insulin is...

  2. Good to know I'm not the only person doing this...

    You're in your 30's? Dude... getting old. :)

  3. olá, visitei seu blog. Gostei muito!
    Grande abraço!
