Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Blender Drink Gone Bad VII

Had this one after my workout today...

I call it the, "As bad as it sounds" blender drink: - strawberries, blueberries, mango, almond milk, sunflower seeds, almond butter, kale, and 1/2 an avocado.

It probably would be fine with a banana and a lot less avocado.

Workout was:

1A) Jumps - 3x6
1B) Pushups - 5x20

2) Squats - 315x3x3, 245x8

3A) Barbell Lunges - 1x10
3B) DB Triceps - 1x10

That was it. Skipped pullups I was supposed to do as 2B.

Added some new videos to youtube though, including some of the Get Lean and Jacked "Meatheads IV" program.



PS - Don't miss the Free Fitness Giveaways going on here:


1 comment:

  1. Craig,

    I couldn't find an email address so I'm throwing this on a unused comment section. My name is Casey Roberts and I have been visiting your site now for a while and am very impressed! I run a website dedicated to helping people new to fitness. (


    As part of a on going series planned I am sending fitness "celebrities" a small 4 question interview. (plus one goofy question to make it more light-hearted for the readers) I was hoping to have you participate due to your successfulness, knowledge, and popularity.

    As I mentioned before this will only be 4 questions, and be conducted via email. Responses only need to be several lines. I realize that in addition to being a fitness expert, you are a business man, so if at the end of the interview/survey you wish to promote your products, you are welcome to do so.

    This post should have my personal email address you can get back to me at.

    Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to working with you.


    Casey Roberts
