Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cool TT Workout Story From An Injured Runner

From my friend and old college chum, Brad Cunningham, a marathoner from out in BC...

"Dear Craig,

Last summer, when I broke my foot during an ultramarathon, I knew my running was done for at least 3 months and all the fitness I had built up during the previous 3 years would be lost.

So rather than sit on my butt, I decided to get strong because running on its own isn't enough. I used Turbulence Training to improve my overal strength, but specifically core and lower body strength for the trails that I race on.

My foot healed and I started training again only to re-break my foot almost excatly 6 months later! Again, back to Turbulence Training.

Now, 8 months since the second break and after two rounds of Turbulence Training, I am running faster times in workout than I have ever have before!

I have won my first 10k race and came 2nd overall a month later. I am stronger and faster and looking forward to running personal best times this fall.

So I want to say "thank you" to you and your program for saving my sanity during my injury and helping me to come back better than I was before. I will definitely be using Turbulence Training to help me prepare for next season!"
Brad Cunningham

1 comment:

  1. Stephen Evens4:26 AM

    That's an inspiring story. All credit to turbulence training! Cardio alone is not enough! You have to get strong! TT seems to be a perfect blend of all approaches.

