Thursday, April 30, 2009

Transformation Motivation...

Congratulations to our first winner, Mike from Pressing Towards a Goal, on his Grand Prize winning entry in the Turbulence Training Transformation Motivation Contest.

Mike has a won a Flip Video Camera and 1-Year Platinum TT Membership for his powerful story…

Let's here how Mike has already transformed and lost 30 pounds and is continuing to change his body and lose fat everyday. Powerful stuff!

(Notice the HUGE emphasis on SOCIAL SUPPORT in Mike's life, and because of that, Mike has regained his CONFIDENCE and FREEDOM…so please find your social support - online and offline - today!)


I dont know if this falls under these categories, but it's something that I've achieved through using TT workouts and eating right and Im still working towards my final goal, but heres my story on getting back in shape and transforming my life.

We've all been there before. That point where you think to yourself, "Ok, I'm going to lose some weight and get back into shape." I have caught myself thinking this for the last couple years, only to fall over and over again in attaining anything that I wanted.

I was expecting fast results in the quickest time possible, but not willing to make some of the sacrifices that it takes to actually lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, and live an active lifestyle. I had it in my head what I wanted, but didn't know how to get there, and definitely wasn't ready for the lifestyle changes that you have to adapt in order to reach a weight loss goal and in general, living healthier.

About a year ago, I was once again thinking the same things I've thought so many times before. "Ok, I'm going to lose weight and maintain and live a healthier life."

Being one that had enjoyed numerous competitive sports growing up and enjoying anything that had some competitive side to it, I had actually found myself in a new spot that I hadn't been before. I had a fire in me for gaining back what I had lost.

To read the rest of Mike's story click this link:

=> Transformation Motivation Contest Winner

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Mike. I'm glad that I could help you along this path're encouragement back to me is equal.

    Keep it up, stay motivated, you'll find the support you need with your new membership and keep hammering back at me.

    Cheers bud,
