Thursday, April 30, 2009

5-Minute Circuit Weekend Workout

Couple of exciting TT Transformation Contest announcements before we get to 2 awesome (and free!) 5 minute circuit weekend workouts for you today...

1) Congratulations to our Tranformation Motivation Contest Winners

You can read the winning entries on my blog at:

=> Transformation Contest Winners

Our winners get a 1-year Platinum TT Membership AND a FREE Flip Video Camera to film their Transformation!

2) I've added an exciting NEW category to the 5th TT Transformation Contest...

A "Couples" Division.

That's right, you can lose fat and get fit with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend and win money!

More details to come on the official rules page before Monday here:

=> Transformation Contest Rules

Okay, now to the 5-Minute Circuit Workouts for this week...

1) The Beginner 5-Minute Bodyweight Circuit

Here's an easy beginner bodyweight circuit that I designed for a Turbulence Training member...

1) 2-leg hip extension - 12 reps
2) Plank - 30 seconds
3) Stability Ball Leg Curl - 12 reps
4) Pushup or Kneeling Pushup - 8 reps
5) Side Plank - 15 seconds per side

Repeat one more time.

2) The Advanced 5-Minute Bodyweight Circuit

I'll be doing this in my hotel room on Friday morning before heading off to a seminar in Chicago that runs from 8am to 11pm!

Each exercise done for one minute (single leg exercises done for 30 seconds per side).

1) Prisoner Squat
2) Close-Grip Pushup
3) Bulgarian Split Squat (back foot on bed)
4) Spiderman Pushup
5) 1-leg RDL

To be honest, I'll probably go through this 3 times for a 15-minute workout, but if you only have 5 minutes, once through the circuit is still really good.

Fun stuff!

Discover all of those exercises and get ready for the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest by grabbing your TRIAL offer:

=> Turbulence Training Trial Offer - Only $4.95

The next contest is going to be amazing,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Do you want your freedom? Do your want more confidence?

Do you want to finally have energy, more self-esteem, and the body of your dreams that your partner desires?

That is what I heard from so many of you in the Transformation Motivation contest...

...and I guarantee that is what you will achieve when you join the Transformation Contest.

It is a guaranteed certainty that you will transform your body, mind, and life with the help of the Turbulence Training Social Support.

Just take a look at our past winners and their powerful stories here:

=> Body Transformation Contest Winners

Can't wait to hear about your success!

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