Sunday, April 26, 2009

Transformation Contest - Win a Flip Cam & Free Membership

I'm giving away a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership AND a new Flip Video Camera to TWO lucky folks...

...just for answering a quick question on my blog.

=> Click here to post your quick response and enter to win the camera

Just go to my blog and tell me, "What would Transforming Your Body mean to you?"

You can win some sweet prizes!

Can't wait to hear from you,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Next TT Transformation Contest starts next Monday, May 4th.

Click here for the entry rules & registration page:

=> Transformation Contest Rules


  1. Benn Garnish10:36 AM

    Hey there Craig.
    I've been training since i was 16 with weights and been playing rugby practically all my life up until 2 years ago.
    I've always stayed at a weight of 15 stone give or take 1/2 here or there. Im 5ft 11. I don't feel as if im unfit as i exercise everyday except weekends, alternating between circuit training and 5km runs. I eat pretty well although i must admit i do suffer from the occassional curry if there's an occassion like someone's birthday. Basically i guess my question to you is which TT workout should i follow, there is so much information on your sites'. I've been ploughing through your blog posts and there's so much information its hard to see where i should start.
    Any information would be amazing. Keep up the good work Craig.

    Kind regards,

    Benn Garnish, London UK

  2. Hi Benn!

    Please start with the intermediate workout from the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.



  3. Benn Garnish11:41 AM

    Hey Craig

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Do you have a link to this particular manual?

    Also i was looking on your website and was looking into the Turbulence Bodyweight Manuals. Is this something which is better for the more advanced athlete or would this be better? Or even i should maybe go for the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual, loose the pounds then go for the other manuals.

    Benn Garnish, London UK

  4. Hi!

    If you'd prefer bodyweight, thats' fine. You can go with that.

    If you prefer a mix of dumbbells and bodyweight, then grab the TT program (the intermediate program is in that program).

    Get tt here:

  5. This is just great information Craig. Thanks once again.
    Im aiming for a drop in weight from 94kg to 86kg by end of July. Its going to be hard work but im focused and have a realistic goal i think.

    Let the pain begin :)



  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    This blog is great! Thanks for your hard work on it.
