Sunday, April 26, 2009

Crazy Weekend

I think this weekend's Sprin Fever heat got to the city of Toronto...I saw so much crazy stuff while walking Bally the Dog...makes you wonder what's wrong with people. As we walked down to the lake yesterday, we passed by a police standoff where some guy was hanging over the side of a bridge, threatening to jump onto the Gardiner expressway.

Yesterday was also one of those days where I started to wonder if I was wearing a sign that said, "If you are crazy, please come up and start talking to me about my dog." Seriously. Does everyone who walks their dog get random people saying crazy things to them?

And then there was the dog...even though I walked him for 4 hours yesterday he still wanted to go back outside. He's a lunatic.

Then the rains came...crazy thunderstorm...and that seemed to calm everyone down (including the dog). But it caused some crazy damage on the streets.

So all that went down, and I was finishing up an Eat-Stop-Eat fast (which went well). Oh, and I also had a nap yesterday afternoon, probably because of the 2.5 hour dog walk in the sun got to me. 

Like I said, Crazy Weekend.

Today, things were a little more normal. And I hit the gym at about 9:30am (I had to move up all my workouts by one day this week because I'm going to Chicago on Wednesday night, and will only have a Hotel Gym - and no heavy weights).

Here's what I did today...

Warm-up - this probably lasted about 10 minutes, which makes my workouts so long (cable external rotation, pushups, shoulder mobility, and lots of bench press warmup sets)

1A) Bench - 275x1, 250x2x2
1B) RDL - 255x3x5

2A) DB Incline Press - 3x8 with 70's
2B) BB Row - 195x3x8

3A) Eccentric Cable External Rotations - 2x8
3B) BB Curls - 2x8

Total workout time was 47 minutes.

After, I went to Mabel's specialty food shop on Roncesvilles Avenue in Toronto. If you're a "foodie", you'll like what she's got...everything from fresh bread to vegan chocolate sauce, amazing ice cream, pre-made gourmet dinners (like Shepherd's pie made with lamb), and amazing chipotle hummus.

I grabbed some bread, organic granola, white bean dip, and red pepper salsa.

Squat workout tomorrow,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - TT for Reformed Meathead Fat Loss... now available at



  1. Craig, if you are ever at the O'Hare Airport in Chicago they have full feature gym in the underground shopping concourse underneath the Hilton Hotel (connected by a tunnel to the Airport). There are enough weights there that even meatheads work out there. I was did at TT session there once when I stayed in the hotel.

    Yes beautiful weather and wicked Thunder storm here in Southern ON,

  2. Andrew, killer tip. Thanks so much!

    I might just end up there.

  3. Craig, yup, when I walk my dog I get some of the most bizarre questions ask of me and the dog....I just don't get it...
