Sunday, March 01, 2009

#1 Secret to Stick to Your Workouts

Last week was weird.
I received two emails from fitness magazines asking me what workout program I gave an actress named Megan Fox (from the movie "Transformers").
Funny thing is, I've never met her. And I have NEVER trained her.
So I don't know who is starting those rumors about me training Hollywood starlets.
(Sure would be nice though, wouldn't it?!?!)
Anyways, last week also involved me doing a presentation at 8am on Sunday morning at a marketing seminar, showing hundreds of men and women from all over the world how they can transform their bodies.
I showed them the 5 foods they shouldn't eat if they want to lose fat, and I also gave them the #1 secret to sticking to their workouts.
This secret is right up there with getting social support.
And here it is...
"You MUST find a personal, motivational workout challenge or competition to inspire you."
That might be something like the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest OR one of my TT challenge workouts such as...
And now you can get those workouts, and ALL of my 37+ monthly workouts for only $9.95 each.
I just opened up the Turbulence Training vault and now you can pick and choose from your favorite workouts that you've only heard about, but have never been able to find...
If you've been skeptical about being able to lose fat in a short amount of time with minimal equipment, now you can try these workouts for less than 10 bucks.
Collect them all!
Now you can get ALL of the TT workouts for cheap,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - If you missed the February TT for Buff Dudes & H.ot Chicks... can grab it for only $9.95 right here.
And don't forget, many experienced TT users are claiming the February TT program contains the HARDEST Turbulence workout ever!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Sounds like you have some good deals in your vault. However, I can't get over the idea of training Megan Fox, lol. Talk about a dream job!

    - Dave
