Saturday, February 07, 2009

Another Classic Cardio Story & My Workout

Ready for another classic cardio story that will make you shake your head at human behavior? Here we go...

So I get to the gym at about 1:15 today, and it's busy. Lots of folks still sticking to their workouts. Good to see.

At my gym, when you walk in and go down the stairs, you walk by the gigantic cardio section. It was packed. Of course. On one of the treadmills was a lady who was reading the newspaper while walking. I don't think I'd ever come across that before. Bikes yes, stairmasters yes, and even elliptical machines. But I'd never watched someone try to read the newspaper while on a treadmill.

She was even holding the newspaper out in front of the treadmill as she tried to turn the pages. What a site. And what a waste of time. Walking at 3.5mph while trying to read a newspaper in a stinky, dirty gym on a treadmill that someone probably sneezed on before she started using it. Oh well...

Anyways, I walked down to the dungeon where the weights are to get my lift on. I usually don't go at this time on the weekends, and like I said, it was busy. As usualy, there was a few women in the weight area, and not surprisingly, they had better bodies than all the women on the cardio machines.

I see a trend here, ladies. I hope you do too!

Alright, down to was an upper body day for me. Thank goodness. My legs are done. Two great workouts, and then getting used to all the hiking in the snow with heavy boots after Mexico made them a little tired and sore. Good feeling though. Today's session...

1A) Incline Bench - 3x6
1B) Seated Row - 4x8

2A) DB Chest Press - 4x10
2B) Wide-grip BB Row - 4x8

3A) DB Tri Extensions - 4x6
3B) BB Curls - 4x6

4) BB Shrugs - 2x12

I was beat half-way through. Need some rest.

Oh, and one more thing. Today I saw at least 5 people doing deadlifts and rows with rounded back. They weren't even trying to keep it straight. But that's BAD form.

So please people, please, do NOT round your back. It's for your own good.

Stay strong. Train safe.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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  1. Hello,

    Not sure if its ok to ask questions here??? I have been following TT and the lean out meal plan on the Fusion workout. I have been doing it for about 40 days. These workouts are great!! I am getting bigger though. Arms bigger, chest, biceps, abs ect. Currently 177lbs 6ft. My goals is to lose bodyfat....Am I going to just keep getting bigger? How do I get the bf% down? Seems like the fat% is about the same but I am building more muscle. Am I headed in the right direction. Not sure if this was the right place to ask a question? Age 29

  2. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Hi there! My name is Richard.  I came across your site and I actually have a couple myself in a related area  -
    I think it would be beneficial for us to do a blogroll link exchange, if you're interested.  If so, please let me know what anchor text and url you'd like me to use, and I can put your link up right away.
    Just let me know which site or sites you want you link added and I will do it right away.
    You can contact me at

  3. Hi Joseph!

    Is your body fat not going down?

    If it isn't, you are eating too many calories. What is your diet?


  4. Craig...

    Thanks so mcuh for the response!!

    This is what I have been eating for about 40 days. I am 29, 6ft, 176lbs. I dropped to 173lbs the first two weeks, but am up to around 176lbs now. I am for sure putting on muscle though. I would estimate I am around 15% bf. Do you think that is as low as I can get? Do I need to put on some more muscle first? I have been athletic all my life, but never lifted weights. So, I am in decent shape..Again, I really enjoy your workouts and always feel stronger afterwards!!

    6 egg whites
    2 cups broccoli
    1 ounce cheese
    1/4 onion
    maybe some tabasco

    1 cup plain yogurt
    1 ounce almonds
    1 scoop whey powder

    6oz chicken
    4 cups of spinach
    1 green apple

    Snack: (Pre-work out)
    1 scoop whey powder
    1 ounce almonds
    1 orange

    Snack2: (Post work out)
    1 scoop whey powder
    1 ounce almonds

    6 oz wild salmon
    4 cups green beans
    2 cups green side salad
    1 oz chz
    couple tbs balsamic vingr
    1 sweet potato

    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    1/4 blueberries
    1/2 ounce of almonds

    I also drink green tea and take fish oil.

    Thanks again!!!

  5. You should still be able to burn fat and build muscle. You should get a trainer to do a fat test on you. You should also post your torso photos in the forum at so we can judge your progress.

    What is your goal? Fat loss or both muscle gain and fat loss.

  6. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Back exercise: quality beats quantity every time.
