Monday, February 09, 2009

3 Fat Burning Trends for 2009

Recently a young trainer emailed me and asked me what I thought were going to be the hottest new ways to help folks lose fat. It was a great question, so I looked into my crystal ball and found the 3 best trends to help you burn fat in 2009.

1) More People Will Start Training Like an Athlete to Lose Fat

In 2009, the best trainers will be training their clients like athletes for fat loss (i.e. using Turbulence Training methods like bodyweight exercises and interval training).

However, there is a right way and a wrong way to train like an athlete for fat loss.

I've watched too many trainers have their clients jumping on concrete and doing athlete-based workouts in the wrong order.

That's why I'll be giving all Certified Turbulence Trainers the exact athlete fat loss workouts to use with their clients, particularly for bootcamps.

To find out more about becoming a Certified Turbulence Trainer, go to this website:

=> Turbulence Training Franchise & Certification Details

2) More People Will Use Competition & Challenge-Type Workouts to Burn Belly Fat and Stick to Their Workouts

Lack of motivation is the 2nd biggest challenge behind lack of time for most people, but I have the secret to helping folks stick to their workouts.

And that secret is the use of Competitions (i.e. the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest) and challenge workouts like the TT Bodyweight 500 and TT Abs 300.

You'll find these to be powerful motivating tools for fat loss!

3) Alternative Interval Workouts

At first, people were so bored of long, slow cardio that any type of interval training workout was new and exciting. But now some folks have gotten used to doing interval training on machines and want something new.

So in 2009 you'll see more and more trainers having clients do alternative interval training workouts.

For an example, see the "Timed Bodyweight Intervals" in Workout C of the February "TT Workout for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks", available in the TT Member's area till the end of the month.

TT Members are saying it is the TOUGHEST workout in TT history!

Get access to this tough workout when you grab your Turbulence Training trial offer.

=> Click here for the Turbulence Training Trial Offer

And one more...

Bonus Trend) More People Will Start Working Out with a Partner or in Groups for Social Support

Research shows that working out with others will help you lose weight. That's why I'm creating the Turbulence Training
Transformation Bootcamps to help you stick to your fat loss program.

The Turbulence Training Transformation Bootcamps are going to be hot in 2009, and the workouts will be exclusive for Certified Turbulence Trainers.

Certified Turbulence Trainers will also have exclusive access to my new "done for you" 12-week Transformation Contest workouts and marketing to get new clients.

To find out more about becoming a Turbulence Training Franchise owner and Certified Turbulence Trainer, go to this website:


I look forward to helping you lose fat and get more training clients,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I recorded a call giving you more info on the TT Franchises...

But at this time, the Turbulence Training opportunity is currently ONLY available in a select and limited number of states in the USA. We hope to make more locations available soon, but until then...

This call is ONLY available to residents of the United States, but NOT for residents of the following states at this time: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, North Dakota, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

If you live in the USA and are eligible, please visit this website to get access to the call:

=> Turbulence Training Franchise Opportunity

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Great Blog and the ebook is really good, helped me get to 9% body fat, which is great.
    Check out my blog
    Pro Fitness Blog
