Monday, January 12, 2009

Orlando Gold's Gym Workout

I'm a big fan of Gold's Gym. They let you lift and don't bug you, and even let you deadlift. Not like some other gyms that give the lifters a hard time. Instead, Gold's let's you lift in peace.

I had a great workout at Gold's today, after starting the day with a really cool "behind the scenes" tour of Disney World. I set this up for a group of trainers that I do business with, and Tom from the Disney Institute took us on a 3-hour tour showing us how Disney creates the magic. If you are a business owner and want to learn how Disney creates the "Happiest Place on Earth", I highly recommend contacting the Disney Institute.

After a lunch of a grilled chicken citrus salad at the Hard Rock Cafe, I headed over to the Orlando Gold's Gym for a deadlift workout. It was one of my best workouts in a long time, and I'm beat now!

1) Overhead Squat - 125x4

2) Deadlift - 355x1 (overhand, personal best), 385x1 (alternate grip), 315x8 (alt grip), 245x2x8 (overhand)

3A) BB Military Press
3B) Good Morning

4A) Chins - 12,10,8
4B) Pullthrough - 150x20

Then a smoothie of milk, banana, peanut butter, and chocolate.

Now to prepare for tonights "TT Stick With It Motivation" Teleseminar for new TT members,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - If you want to transform your life and body...

...then don't forget to start your Turbulence Training Transformation this week.

The contest ends 12-weeks from this friday on April 11th.

Click here for all of the rules


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM


    how long are you in Orlando? I have to fly out tues but would like to meet up with you. I live very close to the Hard Rock & workout at Golds. I will be there around 7:30 AM.



  2. Craig, you really need to do something about the ad at the top of your page. Your model has acquired an extra body part in the before photo.
