Sunday, January 11, 2009

21-Day Kick-Start Fat Loss Coaching Call

Wow, 11 days down already? How has your 2009 been so far?

After an amazing (and relaxing) holiday season, I've been busy-busy in 2009, traveling down to Florida for a little bit of fun and a lot of work, meeting with trainers from all over the country.

I even filmed a couple of hotel room workouts (to go along with the workouts I did in the snow before I left Canada).

If you haven't checked those out, you can see all of my videos here:

=> Turbulence Training Youtube Videos

Before I left Toronto I recorded a motivational 21-Day Quick-Start Kick-Start Fat Loss Coaching Call.

TT Members can listen to it (and read the transcript) here:

=> Click here to listen to the call & read the daily tips

And finally...

I also want to personally invite you to the 1st-ever Turbulence Training seminar that is being held Saturday, January 17th in Mississauga, near Toronto.

Nutrition expert Brad Pilon and a very special guest, "Mr. X", will be joining me to share our fat burning and motivation secrets to help you lose more fat than ever before.

Not only are we going to share a ton of great info with you, but we're just going to have a great time. I promise you, it will be the best way you could spend a Saturday in January in Canada.

=> Click here to grab your spot
But hurry, this seminar is this COMING Saturday, and you'll get over $250 in Turbulence Training gifts!
Here are more details...

Date: Saturday, January 17th
Time: 9-3
Where: Mississauga, a city just west of Toronto.
BONUSES: Don't miss the $250 worth of free gifts we are giving away to ALL seminar attendees.
It's going to be a blast, and there's going to be even MORE surprise goodies given away at the event.
Reserve your spot & free gifts here:

=> Click here to grab your spot
Helping you FINALLY lose that fat in 2009,

Craig Ballantyne, Brad Pilon, and Mr. X
PS - You have my Canadian Strength Guarantee that you'll love it!

If at the seminar's lunch break, you feel the seminar wasn't worth your time and energy, you can just let us know, return your free bonus gifts, and we'll return your registration.

We'll even give you an extra $50 for your time and travel costs.
That's how much we know you are going to love the 1st-ever TT Seminar!

Reserve your spot & free gifts here:

=> Click here to grab your spot


  1. Hi Craig,

    I look forward to watching your videos as I've heard alot about you and your book.
    I've been working out and seeing some good results, they'll improve hopefully.
    Anyways for you guys who are trying to lose fat there's a website you might find useful with fat loss articles

  2. thanks, your article is very informative.
