Monday, December 15, 2008

Transformation Contest Success Stories

Time to unveil some powerful Turbulence Training Transformation Contest Success Stories!

The 3rd TT Transformation Contest is done and 8 of the most amazing transformation stories are up for you to discover and cast your vote.

=> Click here to have your say in the Transformation Contest

Two finalists lost over 31 pounds of fat in just 12 weeks.

Another two finalists lost over 21 pounds of fat.

Four other finalists lost a LOT of inches from their hips, thighs, waists, and belly fat.

Are they better than the Body for Life transformations?

I can't say...but these certainly are REAL people getting REAL results. Busy people working out less, doing less cardio, and
getting more results!

Let me know what you think,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - These are POWERFUL, highly emotional transformations.

Please share your vote here:


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