Thursday, October 09, 2008

What Do I Say About Creatine And Protein Supplements?

Did you hear what i said about creatine and protein powder on the forum?

You'll be shocked to hear what I say!
And don't miss all the new TT 6-Minute Abs videos up in the TT Member's Area here:
Here's feedback from one happy TT user who tried out the Beginner 6-Minute Abs workout...
"Hello Craig, I was sitting around watching football on the weekend and decided to do 6 minute abs beginner work out system #1. It was a tough but manageable workout and the abs definitely felt worked and I got that "I have a six pack on the way" feeling after doing it. It is very effective and my core feels stronger after doing it. I love that there were no crunches involved. No crunches is one of the many great aspects of your programs! On a side note, I told a friend about the name of the program and sure enough we just had to watch the "There's something about Mary" DVD later that day! We killed ourselves laughing. Thanks for the creative program with the creative name!"
Get a 6-pack in 6 minutes,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Please check in and let me know how you are doing here:

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful! I could not choose the right conditioner for myself for a long time.
