Thursday, October 09, 2008

Thursday TT 2K4 Workout

Surprisingly warm day in Toronto, perfect for a ride over to the gym around lunchtime, where I did my modified workout C from the Turbulence Training 2K4 program.

1A) Medium grip Overhead Squat - 65x2x5
1B) Power Clean - 185x3

2A) Narrow Squat - 315x2x8
2B) Chin - 16,12

3A) Good Morning - 185x2x8
3B) BB Row - 135x2x12

Hit a quick afternoon BBQ to enjoy the weather. Holiday weekend coming up - Canadian Thanksgiving. I will bench press on Saturday to celebrate.

One more week left on TT 2K4,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - 4 new youtube videos for you...

Click here for the latest bodyweight cardio and abs videos

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