Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Upper Body Workout

I was beat after today's workout, not sure why. Heck, I was beat after the chins and dips. Got up extra early today and the dog was acting crazy all morning, maybe that contributed...Here's my modified TT for Meatheads 2.0 Workout C.

1) Hang Clean - 165x5

2A) Chins - 15,10,8
2B) Dips - 20, 13, 10

3A) DB Lateral Raise - 25x2x8
3B) EZ Bar Curl - 90x2x8

4A) DB Triceps Ext. - 35x12,10
4B) DB Hammer Curl - 35x2x6

Finished with some planks and side planks. Even these sucked. Next workout will be better.

Lots of meatheads in the gym today,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
TT for Meatheads

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