Monday, October 27, 2008

Bodyweight Challenge Workout for You

Did you try this week's TT Member's Bodyweight Challenge Workout?

I did this workout in my hotel room in London, England on Saturday morning. It was tough, but perfect for a busy day when all I had was 20 minutes to exercise before heading off to a rugby game.

I hope you take this TT Challenge...and you still have until Thursday to post your score on the forum.

Here's the workout (always do a warm-up as well, of course!):

The Nutty Bodyweight Challenge Workout

1) Prisoner Squats - 20
2) Jumping Jacks - 50
3) Cross-body Mountain Climbers - 10/side
4) Bulgarian Split Squats - 10/side
5) Narrow Pushups - 20 (Hands SHOULDER-WIDTH Apart)
6) Jackknife (feet on ball, hands on ground) - 10
7) Burpees - 10

a) Repeat again and again and again (if you can)
b) 20 minute time limit
c) each rep is 1 Point

I substituted Squat Thrusts for the Jackknife, since I didn't have a ball in my room.

=> Click here to post your Bodyweight Challenge score

The next challenge workout comes out this Friday. If you have a suggestion, let me know!

Burn bodyfat with your bodyweight,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Are you suffering from a lack of motivation?

Find out the TT Member's best tips for staying motivated with your workouts here:

=> Click here to discover weight loss motivation tips

And please add your own. We all need all the help we can get!

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1 comment:

  1. Well… I visit your website first time and found this site very useful and interesting! Well… you guys doing nice work and I just want to say that keep rocking and keep it up!!!!
    Amy Cooper
