Monday, October 20, 2008

TT Meatheads Workout C - Chins, Dips, Chains, Whips

Can you name that movie quote without using Google? (And yes, I know it should be Chips, Dips, Chains, Whips).

Anyways, today was an upper body workout from TT Meatheads. Good times, fast workout, did a little extra stretching for chest, hip flexors, and calves. Good training environment too, as all the regulars were in doing chest today, except for the juiced up guys who were doing legs, oddly enough.

1) Hang Cleans - 3x5

2A) Chins - 15, 8, 6
2B) Dips - 18, 12, 10 (remember to do these with your knees up towards your chest and a slight forward lean to take some of the stress off of your shoulder joint - thanks to Bill Hartman, the smartest man in fitness, for that tips!)

3A) DB Lateral Raise - 25x3x8 (Honestly don't even know if I've done this exercise since the last Millenium!)
3B) EZ Bar Curl - 90x3x8

4A) Triceps Pressdowns - 3x12 (weight doesn't matter because every cable pulley system is different - havent done these since High School)
4B) DB Incline Hammer Curls - 35x2x8 (used to like these a, not so much)

5) Stability Ball Rollouts - 2x15

That was fun. Going to try and squeeze in two more workouts before I leave for jolly ol' England on Wednesday night.

Have fun with your workouts,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Get TT for Meatheads 2.0 on Nov 1st HERE


  1. Craig, definitely must check out the Charger/Saints game while you're there!

  2. Coming over this way? Business or pleasure?

  3. Seminar in London England. Find out more at
