Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Squat Workout with a motley crew

No, I didn't workout with Motley Crue, but I did workout at the YMCA in Stratford where there is always a motley crew of individuals. Some good, some bad. Like the 18-year old loudmouth know-it-all who tells everyone he's not warming up because some guy told him he'll be able to damage his muscles better without a warmup.

But he wasn't there today. But an old-schooler was there, putting every possible 45 pound plate on the leg press. No doubt you've seen that before. Always good times. And then there was the fit 40-year old girl doing cable chest flyes while lying on a stability ball. All I say to that is, seriously, you can't find a better exercise to do? You've been reading too much Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine.

Another fit young girl was doing lying cable biceps curls on the seated row bench. And again I say, couldn't you find something better to do? Do a set of chinups for more results in less time.

Then there was the pre-requisite guy with offensive body odor. Every YMCA has one of those. No YMCA needs one.

And finally, there were the two 18-year old girls wasting their lives reading people magazines on stationary bikes doing slow cardio. Hopefullly they did some strength training after I left.

So all this was going on while I did TT Meatheads V. 2.0. workout B.

1) Medium stance squats - 3x5 with 315

followed by one set of front squats for 12 reps.

2A) Pistol Squats - 2x8
2B) Pike - 5, 3

3A) Cable Pull-throughs - 2x10
3B) Calf Raises 3x10

This program is slightly different from the TT manual you'll be able to download from on Nov 1st. I've customized this workout for lil' old me.

Train safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS


  1. In defense of the woman performing cable chest flyes while lying on a stability ball: what she is getting is *not* just a workout of her chest muscles. She's engaging her core muscles for stability AND more importantly giving her proprioceptor cells a workout. Keeping proprioception "on its toes" in our body will help as we age not to be fumbling and stumbling.

    It's not all about having a hot bod - it's about health, wellness and aging with strength & dignity.

  2. Its a lame exercise and there are dozens of better ones to choose from, not too mention the difficulty it requires to get set up properly in this exercise. One slip and she could tear a pec or fall. Highly un-necessary.

    How a chest fly on a stability ball will prevent someone from stumbling in their old age is beyond my understanding.

    Research shows that simple lower body STRENGTH is the key to avoiding falls with age. Not stability ball exercises.


  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    From even a specificity stand point, I can't imagine any instances when I would need to work on my proprioceptive skills while being in a supine position on a unstable surface.
    Which reminds me, yesterday I saw I young lady doing cleans with a 30 lb barbell, on top of an upside down Bosu. =)

  4. I have a feeling the technique on those cleans wasn't Olympic caliber.
