Sunday, October 12, 2008

Giving Thanks for the Deadlift

This is Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada, marking the date in 1493 when Christopher Columbus' 18 year old son first discovered Montreal where you can legally drink at age 18. Or so the legend goes...

To celebrate, I deadlifted. Big dinner tonight. We do the Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday rather than Monday. Great day here, I'll take BallyTheDog on a big walk through the nearby "Old Grove".

Lats were a little sore from yesterday's TT Bodyweight, that was a great workout. Today was Workout B from Turbulence Training 2K4. This is week 4 of this program. I also noticed my weight is waaaay down, lighter than I've been in years. 173.5. Even my jeans with a 32 inch waist are falling down. Moving over to TT for Meatheads 2.0 next - gotta get back into the 180's.

1A) Deadlift - 325x4 (overhand), 365x3, 380x1
1B) DB 1-Arm Standing Shoulder Press 75x4,3

2A) BB Bulgarian Split Squat - 115x2x8
2B) DB RDL - 100x2x8

3A) Stability Ball Leg Curl - 3x20
3B) Cable Abs - 2x12

Re-read Body for Life last night as well. Powerful stories. Just like the ones at the TT Transformation Contest site. Body-For-Life proves that NO ONE has any excuse. 

Go down to your library and grab it. It's a quick read.

Get inspired,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS 

PS - Someday I hope to give away a car as a prize like Body for Life...

...although I'm not sure anyone would want my '97 Maxima (even though it is a sweet ride with a great factory stereo).

Until then, I'll just be giving away CASH and membership prizes to the winners. Check out the latest TT Contest Winners here:

Click here to see who won the 4-Week Rapid Weight Loss Contest


  1. Congrats on the weight loss, Craig. Can't blame you for wanting to up back to the 180's...something I intend on doing these holidays as well...doing Chris Lopez's workout til mid or end of November and its all abouut getting up the wieght here. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Craig. Have fun with the loved ones....

  2. I'm assuming you didn't want the weight loss then? :)

  3. Your '97 Maxima vs. my '97 Civic...I'm unleashing about 10 horsepower on you so watch out. I love my 'older' car too...gotta love the old school tape player...actually easier to plug an MP3 player into. Keep rocking the Maxima.

  4. Derek,

    The Maxima now sounds like a souped up Civic because the muffler needs replacing. They make cars without tape decks now!!?!?!?!

  5. "Souped up civic"! You go Craig!!! Thats awesome hearing that from you, Sir! Almost fell off my rocker here! I remember those days of the 92 to probably the 98 Civic 2 door coupes...those were the rice burners here in So Cal!!

    97 Maxima's still rock too...but please get your muffler replaced!! ;)
