Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bodyweight 500 Mini-Challenge

I was going to do a Kettlebell workout today, but one of the TT Members came up with a great insert a mini-challenge workout inside of the 12-Week Transformation Contest. So he challenged everyone to do the BW 500.

My time was 19:37

This is how the workout goes:

The Bodyweight 500

50 Prisoner Squats
50 Pushups
25 Jumps
25 Stability Ball Leg Curls
50 Stability Ball Jackknifes
50 Step-ups (25 reps per side)
25 Pull-ups (NO substitutions)
50 Forward Lunges (25 reps per side)
50 Close-grip Pushups
50 Inverted Rows
50 Squats
25 Chin-ups (NO substitutions)

The first time I did this workout - almost a year ago - I think I did it in about 24 minutes...but I had no benchmarks to go against. I obviously didn't push myself. This time I pushed it really hard. I struggled with pullups, and even inverted rows, but somehow i was still strong on chinups and managed to get 7 in the first set, then 4,3,3 and 2's the rest of the way. So I finished strong.

Click Here to Watch the Bodyweight 500 

Don't try this one if you are a beginner.

Train safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Click Here to Get Started With Turbulence Training



  1. I came across this post last night and figured I would run with it to change things up a bit. I was drenched before finishing the first set of pushups! I finished in 22.53 and had one of the guys I train do it with me. He broke 25 and is 57 years old!

  2. It could be pretty good but I'd have to try it because I don't believe in those methods I prefer to work hard to reach my goals.
