Wednesday, September 03, 2008

TT Meatheads Deadlift Workout

Hit the gym at 12:30pm for TT Meatheads, Workout C. By the way, the videos are now up on TT Members.

Click Here to watch TT for Meatheads

My modified workout:

1) Deadlift - Worked up to 365x3

2A) Pistol Squat - 2x8 holding 12 pound dumbbell
2B) Calf-Raise - 3x10 (first time I've done calf raises in years!)

3) Six minute abs including a "side-to-side" hanging knee raise

Six Minute Abs is the title of a bonus workout coming in October. Don't tell the hitch-hiker from Something About Mary that I'm creating that product though...since "no one works out in six minutes", as he believes. And don't tell Ben Stiller I'm stealing his idea...

Fast and fun workout,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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