Thursday, September 04, 2008

5 Diet Tips for Weight Loss

On a scale of 1 to 10, how CONFUSING is nutrition to you?

With "more confusing than setting a VCR clock" being a 10, I bet most of you give nutrition a 9 out of 10 on the confusion scale. So let me simplify nutrition today.

But first, you must know that the right nutrition strategy for you will be based on your personality. That is why I can say that all of the following approaches are guarantee to work for many of you...

a) Eat-Stop-Eat => For the busy person who doesn't want to even think about the word diet, let alone go through the dieting process. For more info => Click here for the details on Eat-Stop-Eat

(BTW, the last 2 contest winners both used ESE. Coincidence? I think not!)

b) Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines => For the person who likes the regimented, high-energy 6-meals/snacks per day.

c) Isabel De Los Rios Advanced Nutrition Strategies => For folks who want to take it to the next level of low-body fat that will help them see their six pack abs. I use a combination of Dr. Mohr's and Isabel's strategies 95% of the time.

=> Click here for Isabel's heart-warming story about her diet struggles

Each of those diets hits a different personality. But at the most basic level, we ALL know what we should and shouldn't be eating for fat loss.

It's putting it into play that is the difficult thing...and that's where those personality-based plans help you finally succeed.

But if you are a beginner, anything will work. So just follow these 5 basic, super-simple diet rules to eat for weight loss.

1) Find out how much you are eating now. Use

2) If you are not losing weight, eat less.

3) Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and good protein sources. Don't eat junk from a bag or a box.

4) Give yourself one treat meal per week to look forward to - not a treat day, just a treat meal.

5) Plan ahead. Prepare your meals (spend 1-2 hours on the weekend getting your meals and meal plan ready for the week). Identify obstacles and come up with solutions to avoid them.

That's it.

There's a saying in the fitness industry, "you can't out-train a bad diet", and that hold's true almost 100% of the time (and
especially as you get older).

Give your diet the respect it deserves,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Technically, YES, you can still join the 4-week Transformation Contest...

...but it still ends on Sept. you only have 3.5 weeks left to make your transformation.

=> Click here for the 4-Week Contest Rules & Prizes

and then grab your trial offer of Turbulence Training here to see if my program for you:

=> Click Here for the TT Trial Offer

PPS - Even if you don't like the program and tell us the trial offer isn't for you...

...I'll let you keep all of the programs AND your 3-Month TT Membership. All those things are yours to keep, no matter what you
think of the program.

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