Friday, September 05, 2008

How to Get Motivated for Weight Loss

If you have a hard time getting started or motivated for weight loss, I have the solution for you below. I know this is a big problem, because everyday I talk to someone who is looking for weight loss motivation and accountability.

If you need accountability, and can't work with a trainer on a regular basis, there's no better place to get accountability and support than on Instead of just reporting to a trainer, you get to report to over 567 of my closest TT friends - and me!

You'll be supported by Lisa in New Zealand, accountable to Rob in Iowa, and motivated by Donna from Australia and Erin from

If you need help with your workouts, Darryl, Mickey, a couple of Robs, Abby, BigBum123, and of course myself, will all be along to tell you how to do an exercise properly or what exercise you can substitute into the program.

I feel like the lady from Romper Room reading out all those names.

And the list goes on and on and on. There are just too many helpful TT Members to list in a single email.

But most importantly, the forum is the PERFECT place to anonymously vent your biggest frustrations.

Just the other day a new member came on and posted one of the most heartfelt tales of frustration - but it was one that everyone on the forum could relate to.

So far, at least 5 TT members have stopped by with POWERFUL tips, motivation, and inspiration, and not only have we helped our new member, but we've given each other great ideas.

I'd love for you to check out this incredible series of messages here, and let us know what you think here:

=> Click here to read a common weight loss frustration

It could be the "best thread ever" on the TT forum,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Here's what TT Member Kerry said about my advice on the site...

"Wow, Craig that is a great about value added! I know people who pay $150 or so three times a week that don't get that kind of support!"

And he's right. I've watched personal trainers charge $150 an hour only to have their clients doing stupid BOSU ball exercises. Oh, the stuff I've seen in gyms, I tell ya.

But none of that crap goes on at It is hands-down, the best all around fast workout fat loss membership site on the Net. Thanks in a large part to all of the great members!

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