Thursday, September 04, 2008

Classic Upper Body Workout

I guess it was more of a Turbulence Training style "classic upper body workout" today, but still a good one, and fast.

Started with...

Overhead Squat - 135x5


1A) Military Press - 135 x 3 x8 (very weak at this)
1B) Pullups - 13, 9, 8

2A) Barbell Curl - 85x3x8
2B) DB Tri Ext - 40x3x8

3A) DB Curl - 30x5x5
3B) EZ Bar Tri Ext - 75x5x5

That was fun.

Meatheads meet Turbulence Training,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Gain Muscle & Lose Fat with Turbulence Training

1 comment:

  1. if 135 lbs is you really weak then I don't even want to know what you usually do.
