Friday, September 26, 2008

Fat Burning Cardio Workout Mistakes

A lot of people are doing intervals wrong.

Here are two ways that people do intervals wrong and that end up reducing the effectiveness of their workouts.

1) Don't work too HARD during the recovery.

Too many folks are stuck in the high heart rate marathon mentality.

They think if their heart rate isn't always elevated then they won't be burning fat. But that's not the case at all.

Don't get hung up on heart rate. Just stick with the interval program where you work hard, and then work really easy to recover. It's all about the work you do, not a steady heart rate.

2) Don't alternate between a strength training exercise and an interval.

If you do this, your strength work will suffer.

Want to get 20% weaker in your lifts? Then just try to lift something after you have sprinted for 30-60 seconds. I guarantee you'll be a lot weaker if you do that...but that's the exact opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve with TT.

We want to be fresh and strong for our strength training exercises, and then finish the workout with energy-depleting, turbulence-promoting interval training.

Again, the bottom line: You'll get more results by doing your intervals at the end of the workout.

"Just wanted to let you know my clients and I think the supersets and circuits in the TT Fat Loss and Bodyweight manuals are awesome.  I must say it was somewhat of an experiment for me, as a new trainer, because I've been taught "cardio" for fat loss comes first, then strength training, and vise versa for mass building.  Now I've got my clients sweating before any "cardio" begins, and they are truly performing better doing the strength-work first."  
Lisa Grivers, Personal Trainer

Make sure you are following a perfectly-structured professional plan,


PS - Want to know how to do Bodyweight Circuits for Fat Burning Interval Cardio?  

I just finished up a new workout called, "TT Bodyweight Cardio".

And you can get your copy by getting started with the full Turbulence Training for Fat Loss System. You'll get a 3-month bonus TT Membership and you'll be able to download the TT Bodyweight Cardio program in the Member's area.

=> Click here to get Turbulence Training  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Workout Plan is important for diet, building muscles and healthy life!
