Saturday, September 27, 2008

What is TT 2K4?

What is TT 2K4? TT2K4 is a program in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package, and it is fat loss code for Turbulence Training 2004, the year I "invented" this particular workout.

Coincidentally, after a 3 year hiatus, I'm now back working out at the same gym in Toronto where I invented this program. It's a good ol' dungeon gym.

However, today I'm out at my country home, and trained at the YMCA in Stratford. Early. There were only two other folks in the gym. I also modified the program slightly.

Long warmup

1A) Bench press - worked up to 265 for one rep.
1B) DB Rear Delt Raise - 3x10

2A) Incline Bench Press - 135x3x6 (taking it easy first week in program)
2B) DB Row - 3x6 with 100lb dbs

3A) DB Floor Press - 70x2x8
3B) BB Curl - 95x2x8

35 minutes.

This workout assured me that the DB Floor Press is a great exercise, even though it is awkward and looks weird. But it is an incredible press that works the triceps hard

Add a 1-2 second pause at the bottom when your upper arms are touching the floor to increase the work on the triceps.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Click here for TT 2K4 and all the TT for Fat Loss progams


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