Saturday, August 02, 2008

Training Recovery Week

The training recovery week recommended after roughly every 12 weeks of Turbulence Training often causes a lot of confusion. Should you stop training for the entire recovery week? Decrease the weight? Decrease the number of workouts? What should you do in a recovery week?

Well, I apologize, and I take the blame for the confusion. I will certainly update the TT for Fat Loss manual soon with clearer instructions.

In the meantime, here are some great comments from TT Member, Mike Cheliak, and then a few points and an example from me below.

From Mike (

"A number of members are really getting "stuck" on this 12 weeks then a week off thing. Although you should really aim for that time schedule, a week off (or a light week of just easy activity) should happen when and if you feel gassed and have poor quality workouts. For some members who are just starting with a program, you shouldn't feel like the 12 week window is hanging over your head. If you feel your workouts are suffering, take a few days or even a week and just do some basic physical activity (walking, hiking, biking and even light jogging). Don't use this rest as a crutch or as an excuse not to challenge yourself, but rather use it to refocus. If you are making it to the 12th week, then it is advised to "unplug" for a week in order to let your growing muscles heal! After my last week of rest, I went back to the gym and lifted heavier, harder and with more intensity and that should be your goal!"

Great points Mike, I will update the manual with some of your comments.

Other things to consider.

1) Most of the time life schedules enough breaks for us already.

Sometimes we don't need to force one, if we have missed half a week of training due to vacation. But if we miss a lot of training due to work or family stress, then yes, stick to the recovery week.

2) In simplest terms, the recovery week is simply where you do less than you did last week.

Thats all. Just do less. Or do something different.

Sample ideas:

a) Do all the workouts but only 1 set per exercise.

b) Do all the workouts but only 1-2 sets per exercise and use 25% less weight or reps.

c) Do only 1 hard workout.

d) Do 2 practice workouts of your next program using 50% of your normal workout weight.

e) Take the entire week and only do easy bodyweight exercises, walking, and stretching.

f) Try new things at a moderate intensity level.

g) Go on holiday. Walk a lot. Forget about "workouts". Eat well, enjoying only quality treats, not chips and fries just because you are on holiday. For more about eating quality food - including ice cream - read Brad Pilon's article here: The Truth About Ice-Cream

He's truly a sane voice in the crazy, obsessive compulsive world of nutrition where the world gets advice from processed-carbohydrate-addicted overweight nutritionists.

3) Practice your next program.

The first week of any new program should always be performed at a lower intensity and volume than normal, so that you avoid excess soreness and learn the movements. See "d" above.

Hopefully that clears things up,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - But you can still workout while traveling!

From Kettlebells to Bodyweight Ab Exercises, watch this blog for my training journal entries and you'll see how I lose fat gain muscle while hop-scotching from city to city. 

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