Saturday, August 02, 2008

July 2008 Turbulence Training Testimonials of the Month

Two Turbulence Training Success Story Winners this month...and a couple of runners up. The "Champions" win a 1-year Platinum TT Membership, and the runners-up get a 3-month membership added to their current membership.

Let's start with our runners up, both women...

1) She's got her pre-pregnancy flat stomach back...

"I have been doing the yummy mummy turbulence training 4 week fitness routine and it is WONDERFUL!  I haven't had this much energy since way before I had my two children.  After I had them I gained about 10 extra pounds that I couldn't seem to shake.  I have tried many other exercise routines but they never yeilded any real results.  Since I started this work out (which is really quick and easy to do, even with a 2 year old and a 4 year old) I feel great.  And after only 3 WEEKS I have to say, I look great.  My whole body is toned.  My stomach is flatter than it was when I got married 8 years ago.  My love handles have mysteriously melted away.  My husband can't keep
his hands off  I will definately be recommending this to all my mommy friends. Thanks again for helping me get my body back!  If I knew it was going to be this easy I would have started a long time ago."
Christy Germaine

2) She's lost 7 pounds with TT at 61 Years young

"Dear Craig, so I did join your TT lifestyle and am very glad that I did. I learn a lot from it.Started with great success to do my shopping only on perimeters of all stores,eat mostly row and fresh veggies and fruits(I am so glad on your point of view on eating fresh  fruits ).I started with intermediate workout and already see results. Beside loosing 7 lbs. I also lost one inch from my chest and hips and two inches from my waist.I think its just great.I missed last TT transformation contest,but will keep an eye on maybe next one.I also really enjoy your support on-line, your newsletters and pictures of your cute dog and your abs.I need to mention to you,that I am not a youngster.I am 61 years young,quite fit and happy with positive outlook on life,so your program is just great for me.Thank you for your great motivation."
Monika Kowalczyk

And now for the co-winners of the TT Success Story of the Month.

1) Derek Kendig Lost 15 Pounds and 5% Body Fat

"I have been using Turbulence Training for about 3 months now and am ecstatic with the results. As a full-time graduate student I spend long hours in the lab and many of those hours involve stationary work and sitting hunched over a desk at a computer. I was in a rut physically and needed something to get me back in shape and give me some more energy.

Luckily in my off hours I researched fat loss methods I stumbled across Craig's TT program which was exactly what I was looking for. Short yet very effective workouts that can fit into anyone's schedule based on methods proven in scientific studies can be useful to anyone, regardless of fitness level.

As Craig says if the workouts don't seem hard enough than you are probably not using enough weight, but you can even start at the bodyweight level if you have not worked out in awhile. Plus, the workouts require minimal equipment, you get great nutrition information and you get access to the online forum which is invaluable.

Being able to actually communicate on almost a daily basis with the person who created the program is one of the best parts of TT (Click Here for the TT forum) , and there are plenty of other people on the site with tons of useful information who may have gone through similar experiences.

Since starting the TT program I have dropped 15 lbs, more than 5% bodyfat and over 3" from my waist. I feel great and my energy levels are through the roof. I even feel this extra energy spilling over into other aspects of my life and making them better as well. All I can say is thanks CB not just for the fitness change but a great lifestyle change."
Derek Kendig

2) Mark McCain Used the TT Belly-Off Program

"It was Dec. 31, 2007, and I saw in the mirror the effects of holiday indulgences on my waistline. I wasn't significantly overweight compared to the average American which is not a standard to be proud of but I was at an all-time high weight for me of 169 pounds on a 5 foot 6 inch frame. I subscribe to *Men's Health* **magazine, where I noticed the Belly Off Program designed by Craig. I signed up that day.

My goals were: 1) a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.92, 2) a body mass index of 25, and 3) body fat of 12 percent.

I religiously completed the eight-week Bodyweight 500 Belly Off program and was astonished at the results. In all my years of regular exercise, I've never experienced a change in fitness like this. I lost 11 pounds in eight weeks. Most of the weight was shed from my mid-section, which is just what I wanted. My arms and chest became better defined, and I started to see abs, on a 47-year-old guy! I was psyched to continue the progress.

Since completing the Belly Off Program, I've continued with the diet, and I've used workouts from Craig's Turbulence Training program, changing the routines every month. I'm now down to 152 pounds, for a total weight loss of 17 pounds, and have achieved my body mass index goal. I lost 3.5 inches on my waist and 2.75 inches in my hips. I'm not quite at my waist-to-hip ratio goal, but that's okay because I've lost inches in my hips. I don't have a reliable measure of my body fat percent, but my pants are loose enough to satisfy me that I've made great progress there, too.

I can't believe how successful Craig's programs has been for me. It's the best decision I've made for my fitness since I committed to regular exercise two decades ago. Thanks Craig!"
Mark McCain

Congratulations to everyone who is burning fat and gaining muscle with Turbulence Training.

Let me know your success story this month,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - If you are a current TT customer, you can get a HUGE discount on your 1-Year Platinum TT Membership.

Just ask for details when you submit your TT Testimonial.

Contact Turbulence Training HERE

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    That would have been great if you posted some pictures.
