Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Morning Workout

Good workout today, with lots of folks doing things right. Guy beside me was doing Barbell RDL's with good form and a lean 45 year-old gal doing sets of 8-10 chinups.

I still saw some bad bench press technique (again, if you are only going to lower the bar 4 inches, find another exercise to do). Also, 90% of people at the gym who think they are doing "cleans", are really just doing reverse grip curls. Today a girl was doing dumbbell cleans with bad technique.

I'm not sure whether either of these improper exercises will cause an injury, but more effective exercises could certainly be used in place for both.

For my workout...

Broomstick Overhead Squat
Shoulder Rotations
Neck Rotations
Upper back mobility
Chest Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Side Stretch

Bench Press Warmup Sets
45x15, 95x10, 135x10, 185x8, 225x1

Bench Press 245x5,3,3 and 225x5

1A) Chin-Up (Stop 2 reps short of max) - 12, 7, 6
1B) Pistols - 16, 7

2) DB Incline Press 90x4 (picked the wrong weight for that)

3A) OH Squat 105x5
3B) Wide Grip BB Row - 185x3x8

A little KB work as well.


PS - Big Turbulence Training 2k3 lower body workout on Monday...

Gotta squeeze in an extra workout before I head to Aspen, Colorado on Wednesday to see a client...

Click Here to Download your copy of Turbulence Training & join me on TT2K3

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