Saturday, August 09, 2008

Boston Workout

On Friday, I toured Boston by foot, logging a lot of miles...but also slipping in a workout. I started near the Boston Public Gardens and Boston Common area, worked my way up to Beacon Hill, then down by the Harbour. Back up to the financial district, and stopped in for a workout at a place called Equilibrium.

It was a good workout.

Deadlift - 335x3x5 (mixed grip)

followed by a superset

1A) Good Mornings - 200x2x8 (personal best this year)
1B) Lat Pulldowns - can't remember the weight...also it was one of the newer pulldown machines that uses handles and allows rotation of each handle

And then a "3-Minute Arms Superset"

2A) Barbell Curls - 95x3x6
2B) Triceps Pressdowns - 3x8-10

No rest...each set lasted about 20 seconds. A straightforward 3 minute arm workout.

Then back to my walking tour...looking for a place for lunch, I went back down by the harbour but ended up at the Beantown Bar for a grilled chicken sandwich. Then a big walk out to Fenway, and back up to where I was staying in Brookline. Then dinner at "the best sushi in Boston" at Uni restaurant. And it was good. Try the fish tacos!

Boston is definitely Turbulence Training-approved,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Back to Turbulence Training 2k3 on Sunday...

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