Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Coming Soon! Three New TT Programs

I've always loved September.

Here in Southern Ontario, there is a certain feeling of excitement in the air...as kids go back to school and young men and women head off to University about to have the time of their lives.

The mornings are a little crisper, a little fresher before the sun heats up. Fall Fairs pop up all over the small towns, and farmers get ready to reap the rewards of their hard work.

September is a big, big month. Gone are the lazy days of summer.

And I've got a LOT in store for you in September at www.TTMembers.com.

Check this out...

1) You are going to get THREE (not just one) workouts of the month in September. One will be for muscle-building, another one will be for fast female fat loss workouts, and the 3rd will be my long awaited 3-minute arm routines.

2) My first "real" book will be released and I'll be doing every thing that I can to get it to #1 on Amazon.

3) The THIRD Turbulence Training Transformation Contest will start.

It's going to be crazier than the first day of school!

I can't wait to share all these new workouts and my book with you.

Want to know the title of my book?

You're going to love it, it's called...

"Just Say NO to Cardio".


Plus, there is a FREE GIFT inside for everyone.

Oh, and one more IMPORTANT thing...

With all the new programs, my NEW and improved techniques, the extra contests, additional workout systems (such as TT for Abs), and some of my upcoming additions, the TT Member's Discount prices are going up on Monday, September 15th.

Here are the details...

1) If you are a current TT Member, your Membership Plan does NOT, and will not ever change. You are LOCKED IN at your low rate for life, unless you cancel.

If you are a current member, you don't have to take any action right now, you are set for life.

2) If you are not yet a TTMember, you can join before September 15th for only $19.95 for a BASIC membership or $197 per year for a PLATINUM All-Access Membership (and NO monthly fee).

3) But if you wait to join TT Members until AFTER September 15th, it will be $29.95 per month for a BASIC Membership or $197 to join the PLATINUM Level plus $39.95 per month.

I've got so much good stuff to come, it's going to rock.

Visit this link to LOCK-IN your discount TT membership:

==> Click Here To Join TTMembers.com

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Join TODAY to save big bucks for life!

PLUS, I'll ship you a copy of the TT for Fat Loss DVD's when you become a Platinum TT Member.

Click Here To Join TTMembers.com

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