Tuesday, August 12, 2008

3 Olympic Predictions

Catch any of the Olympics yet?

What an exciting time!

You've got Michael Phelps and Dana Torres, the impossible-to-predict battle for Olympic Basketball Gold, Canada's superstar - Adam van Koeverden, the heart-warming and heart-breaking individual stories in gymnastics, and my favorite event, the 100 meter sprint.

I can't wait to see who will be this year's World's Fastest Man. (Personally, I'm hoping Tyson Gay pulls off a mini-upset.)

I've been studying many of the matchups, and here are my 2008 Summer Olympic predictions:

1) The Sprinters will have better bodies than the Marathon Runners

Not a real surprise here, as Marathon runners have been losing this battle since the inception of the Modern Games in 1896.

Sprinters, on the other hand, have lean, six pack abs physiques and use the training methods that will also help you get a better body, including multi-muscle resistance exercises and short, burst interval-type fat burning exercise. Just like Turbulence Training.

2) The Weightlifters will be strong because they use classic, multi-muscle exercises...

... not because they have been standing on a BOSU ball on one leg, while touching their nose with one hand and scratching
their butts with the other.

And in an Olympic Shocker, we'll see dozens of strong women who lift heavy weights and aren't "big and bulky". Instead, they are lean, athletic and have low body fat (and they don't do cardio either!).

3) The gymnasts will ALL have six pack abs...

...but not one of them has probably ever wasted training time doing crunches.

So those are my predictions, and I'm betting I'm 100% right on...

But that brings up the question, if that's how lean, fit Olympians train, then why do you see most folks in the gym doing...

a) long, slow boring cardio?

b) useless "balance" exercises that have no carry-over to real life?

c) hundreds and hundreds of ab crunches?

Listen, I doubt any TT readers are going to be competing in the Olympics, but it doesn't mean we can't train with the same
principles to help us lose fat and get six pack abs.

That's why I created the Turbulence Training for Abs Home Workout System, to help you burn belly fat, get fit, and have a flat stomach. All in the comfort of your own home.

Still skeptical?

Give the Turbulence Training for Abs Home Workout program a try for 21 days. If you don't like it, just let me know and you'll get all of your money back. There's no hassle for you. And I guarantee it will be the best ab workout you've ever done without crunches.

=> Click Here to Download your TT for Abs Trial Offer

Get inspired to be as fit and lean as you can be,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS

PS - Do you want TIGHT abs?

"I have been using the new TT Home Abdominal Workout Program for 2 weeks and I really like it. It has a different kind of push up in each workout, which I enjoy. There are 3 different workouts and each one takes about 45 minutes, including the interval training. My abs have been sore for 2 weeks! LOL Not "hurts to laugh" sore, but abs-feel-tight-all-day sore. A very good sore. And I haven't done a single crunch!"
Abby D., TT Member

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