Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kettlebells & Bodyweight Abs

Today's workout started with kettlebells. After a quick, but thorough warmup, I went straight to snatches with the 53lb'er, doing:

3x15 per side
3x5 per side

All done without rest, and without putting the kettlebell down...working my way up in endurance. The other day I did one set per side of 21 reps each. My hands/grip strength are the weak point right now. My weak, weak little hands.

I finished with another set or two of 10 reps per side. After kettlebells, I went to the gym to try my SOON-TO-BE-RELEASED "TT Abdominal 300 Workout (Advanced Version)". This was a tough 30-minute workout, made harder by the fact that my abs feel like they have bullet holes in them thanks to yesterday's workout.

NOTE: The COMPLETE Turbulence Training for Abs Home Abdominal Workout package will be released on Monday, July 21st.

This might be the only CRUNCH-FREE six-pack abs training program that you can do at home. It is ANTI-CRUNCH, ANTI-GYM, and ANTI-SITUP (and of course, ANTI-CARDIO, but that goes without saying, right?)

The new TT for Abs system includes...

1) 12-Week Turbulence Training Home Abdominal Workout Program

2) The Turbulence Training Abs "300" Workout Bonus (Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced Levels)

3) The Bodyweight Abs Workout You Can Do Anywhere - Even at a Hotel - Without Any Equipment (Beginner & Advanced Versions)

4) The Bodyweight Abdominal Exercise Index

5) My 5 Motivational Secrets to Keep You From Cheating or Quitting

6) The Advanced Nutrition for Abs Meal Plans from Isabel De Los Rios, Holistic Nutritionist

(And a few other time-sensitive bonuses...visit www.turbulencetrainingforabs.com to be put on the Early-Bird Notification List).

As I mentioned, my abs are sore, sore, sore! All because I did a one of my favorite ab exercises - a variation of the Pullup + Kneeup. Yesterday I used chin-ups plus knee-ups and my abs are shot today.

Heck, if you did nothing but one of those variations combined with a single leg exercise, such as barbell split squats, you'd have a full body workout in 1 superset.

So the next time you are pressed for time, do this...

  • 3-5 minute total body, bodyweight circuit

  • 3 sets of the following superset with no rest between exercises and 1 minute between supersets

1A) Pull-up + Knee-up (As many reps as possible)
1B) Barbell Split Squat or Barbell Squat (8-12 reps)


(Throw in pistol squats instead of the barbell squats, and you've got a powerful workout you can do in the park.)

"But wait a minute", you're thinking..."there's no chest work!"

Not so.

The pullup actually works your chest a lot harder than you think...so you've got everything covered, all the hot zones of the body (the chest, the abs, the upper back, and the back of the legs).

Here's to CRUNCH-FREE abs programs,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Don't forget to get your FREE abs report and get put on the Early-Bird Notification List at:


1 comment:

  1. Great workout, you can really fell the abs working.
